Customs Agency
Customs Agency
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Customs clearance is a rather specific process. The main difficulty lies with the issuance of customs documents and with the completion of customs control procedure itself. The requirements set to them are subject to changes from time to time, which may pose difficulties for those who are unaware of the newly introduced regulations.
The best way out would be to entrust those challenges with professionals. You could be provided with comprehensive support or customs clearance of cargos TRONKO Sp. z o.o. Our company’s specialists will act as intermediaries between you and the representatives of customs organizations. They will help issue documents in acordance with the current legislative requirements and avoid various problems with which the customs clearance in Poland may be fraught.
TRONKO’s customs agents are highly qualified and well-versed in the customs clearance-related document flow, and, in addition, have extensive hands-on experience in this field. They will efficiently prepare any documents required, issue a customs declaration and provide assistance with making mandatory payments.
Why should you put your confidence in nobody but us? We have an extensive hands-on experience. To date, we have issued tons of sets of approval documents. We work efficiently and are able to meet the tightest deadlines. While cooperating with us, you may be confident that you will experience no delays in customs clearing your cargos.
Our company provides comprehensive services that include issuing export and import customs declarations and the services of a customs warehouse .
In line with the EU Customs Code, TRONKO provides assistance in the following procedures:
- Issuance of an export customs declaration (ЕХ);
- Issuance of an import customs declaration (IM);
- Issuance of Carnet TIR;
- Issuance of the Certificate of Origin of Goods;
- Issuance of EUR.1 (Certificate of Preferential Origin);
- Issuance of a EORI number to an organisation.
- Customers are also provided with specialist advice on customs clearance-related matters.

Ewa- +48790282580
Sylwia- +48790282567